St Lucia IFC

Agent Application

Register as online LRA or OA

Local Registered Agent (LRA)

Persons wishing to apply to become an LRA must apply to the Minister for Financial Services. Having been granted approval, the successful applicant may register with Pinnacle St. Lucia by completing the form below.

Overseas Agent (OA)
Overseas Agents need to be accepted by the LRA they wish to work with. Once this is done by the LRA the OA Account will be activated on the Pinnacle system.

The application will be processed within 10 business days. Please check your message box on the main screen to determine whether approval has been granted. You will then have access to specific OA/LRA functions.

Re-enter password

Desired Role LRA OA
LRA association (if applicable)

User Information
Lastname / Company name
Firstname, M.I. (if applicable)
Alternate Email *
Send notifications to which email(s)? Primary: Alternate:
Street Address
Postal Code

I understand that creating an account on the Pinnacle online registry does not authorise the registry to use the personal data collected for further processing without my explicit permission.

Click here to let us know if you wish to have your personal data removed from the registry.


*Not mandatory